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Same but different

If you buy a ready-made bike from someone, you will often hear, oh, that’s the one “Kalle Gråskägg” built. For a creative soul, this can feel enervating and painful because as a chopper owner, you usually put both blood,...
Last year we met #23 Jefferey Carver who is the last flat track rider to take a win on Harley Davidsons iconic XR750, but for all of us following American flat track this season has ment another shot for...

Busy weekend

Its always a lot to do in the end of August, almost like we try to squeeze that last drop out of the summer and holiday season. This year is no different and four things we like to highlight...
Nu kör vi järnet för att tömma det sista av vårt tidningslager. Vill du också den samlade utgåvan i äkta supersjysst papper, värd att spara och ta fram kyliga vinterkvällar, för att orka uppbåda energi att fortsätta bygget och...