Tag: #scandinaviankustomkulture
If you buy a ready-made bike from someone, you will often hear, oh, that’s the one “Kalle Gråskägg” built. For a creative soul, this can feel enervating and painful because as a chopper owner, you usually put both blood,...
After two exiting rounds, one in Hyvinkää Finland and one in a partly rainy Vetlanda Sweden the third and final round is getting closer. To be part of the Battle of Vikings you need to sign up by August...
Bara några timmar bort är årets flat trackhelg som börjar med en rivstart när den tvåfaldiga världsmästaren Lasse Kurvinen har flat trackskola för förare från tre olika länder. Torsdagen kan bli en slowstart för oss andra, men för "studenterna"...
Whats a good weekend for U? For us the definition is speed dust, nice rides, good people and the best afterparty. As it looks now this years Monkey race days will cover it all. Riders from all over, fearless...