2019 was the last year for Flanders Chopper Bash, at least what we know. From its start in 2009, the event has grown from...
If you buy a ready-made bike from someone, you will often hear, oh, that’s the one “Kalle Gråskägg” built. For a creative soul, this...
Vi har uppdaterat en hel del nyligen. I praktiken innebär att det blir färre men tjockare nummer - i gengäld har du tillgång till...
We got a new retailer and they are situated almost as far up north as you possibly can come, in Luleå! Why they dont...
Näste förare i startfältet är i princip född och uppvuxen med Speedway, men senare i livet har det mest handlat om betydligt tyngre fordon...
Its always a lot to do in the end of August, almost like we try to squeeze that last drop out of the summer...