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Tag: chopper

Same but different

If you buy a ready-made bike from someone, you will often hear, oh, that’s the one “Kalle Gråskägg” built. For a creative soul, this can feel enervating and painful because as a chopper owner, you usually put both blood,...

Busy weekend

Its always a lot to do in the end of August, almost like we try to squeeze that last drop out of the summer and holiday season. This year is no different and four things we like to highlight...
1971 Twin Club Mc Norrtelje made their first ever Custom bike show. Since then the show has gathered bikes from all around Europe and naturally most from Scandinavia. Finland in spite of being a pretty small country and not...
Some love it, some are not that impressed but instead of closing down we try to keep the good storys alive. Today as a weekend treat we give you a good piece of a chopper story free of charge and for you to decide wheter digital magazine is something that actually might work for you too. If You like what you read and what you see, plz get yorself a digital subscription for only 29SEK/month or 250sek/year. Help yourself and have a great weekend.