Out of their own event Burning Hearts Festival, an idea of a store in the name of good stuff for good people came up. Opening in the end of February they got the worst start, had to close just a week later due to Corona, but a couple of weeks ago they could finally re open and get things going again. Because of the lock down they decided to give the customers some feel good and asked The Evil Monkey to make a Burning Hearts Special Edition of the magazine which they published for free to all of their customers. This article and interview about the store and the story behind was made specifically for this magazine, but its to good to not share with everyone.
When in Odense this is a place to visit, the store is awesome, the stuff too and Kristoffer Stensbo, store manager, will make your visit a good time. You can also visit they 24/7 webstore at https://burningheartsapparel.com.
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