After an extremly nice weekend i Avesta and Moon Bike Show, we are now ready to aim for our next big event – Custom Motor Show at Elmia and its going to be really awesome. Except for the opportunity to meet so many new people we are really looking forward to meet all our old friends. With four days to go we are gonna fill our stand with interesting guests and do our best to make you all feel welcome, yes we will bring candy 🙂
Except for the two winning bikes we also have the pleasure to have one of the coolest rods ever in our stand. Patrik Norrman who were able to read about in our very first issue is bringing his Ford -38 and Patrik will also be arounfd on Friday and Monday (maybe even on Saturday.
On Friday its gonna be packed. Both our partners in crime Björn Boa Olofsson from BOA SCS will be ther showing some of his own stuff and for anyone having questions about four speed trannys, this is the guy to ask. Even Daniel Fogell – Fogell Customs will be in our stand during Friday and Monday. Daniel has one of his builds in the D-hall but will bring some teas and stuf you can buy in our stand. Daniel is a great welder and manufactures frames and other cool chopper parts for his other company Black Moon Choppers.
Friday again as well as Saturday are really happy times for us. Annika Ljungberg – Duckstripe will be pinstriping some cool stuff live. This is a great opportunity to watch her work and have a chance to talk to this multi talented artist.
Sunday is at the moment an open day, but we know for sure we are getting help keeping the good spirit up by Robert Robban Lindberg. He is a good friend a true biker and he is going to be in charge that day.
The Evil monkey stand at Elmia is THE place to hang out just chit chat about bikes, cars and everything around it. We will bring heeps of mags, a brand new collection af merch and you are of course able to sign up for a subscription if you like.