Tag: vintage
Har du en dammig raritet i garaget, en grussmiskad räser eller ett grymt långgaffelbygge. Vi vill se din unika hoj och inte minst skriva...
Nyhet nu börjar vi leverera personliga nummerskyltar kolla in dom färdiga designerna eller ta så tar vi fram din helt egen.
Now we start making...
A chopper, no matter if it’s long, short, slim or thick, it’s never really complete without a sissy, although of course there are many exceptions. Back rest, pack donkey or just a detail where you can freely express your creativity or just need of a practical detail. The word Sissy comes from Sisters and of course indicates that it is a woman who should lean on it and since many bikes are only registered for one person, the undersigned may well buy this argument cause we as in women are a little more comfortable and practical of us…