1971 Twin Club Mc Norrtelje made their first ever Custom bike show. Since then the show has gathered bikes from all around Europe and naturally most from Scandinavia. Finland in spite of being a pretty small country and not least the solid back of Scandinavia towards Russia has a vibrant kustom kulture and Custom bike show is one of few places outside Finland you get to have a peak of their creative choppers. Except for the other awesome rides represented during this epic day…
Besides the show and the awards, the visitors gives the event that special impact lasting many months, at least until its time to crawl into the garage and start making the season impressions to your one and only dream ride by yourself. Shows like Custom bike show are rare and the fact that this one still is one of the absolute best ones, states the quality Twin Club offers year after year. Thousands and tousands people are visiting every year and last year the show had exclusive time in the national television as a statement of high level culture and fine art. How cool is that?!?
The ones who can count realize that we are missing a couple of years in counting to 50 from 1971- 2024, but covid did put the show on wait and there was also a break for some reasons in the early days of the show. What the show will offer in the future its easier sad than done, but if you havn’t been their dont miss your chance, especially this year when we suspect its going to be something really extra everything.
Gates open at 10.00 ond Saturday June 1 and the program is full of great stuff. Except for all exhibitors you can have a look at some pinstripers, painters, get your beard trimmed, eat some awesome food and listen to both Black Paisley and Sky High. The award ceremony starts at 15.00 and they will pick top three of HD-Chopper, Chopper, Custom, Racer, Classics and Modified Standard.
Above that they also choose the Best paintjob, Peoples choice as well as Twin Club Jury Award.
More info about the show, schedule and what to do you’ll find here Custom Bike Show Norrtelje
Pictures from Custom Bike Show 2023