I den andra förarpresentationen fortsätter vi på inslagen bana och denna gång handlar det helt enkelt om ett hjälpmedel man kan behöva efter en...
Some years ago I bought myself an Ironhead. It was a pretty ugly thing with an upside down fork and front mounted fotpegs. Except...
A chopper, no matter if it’s long, short, slim or thick, it’s never really complete without a sissy, although of course there are many exceptions. Back rest, pack donkey or just a detail where you can freely express your creativity or just need of a practical detail. The word Sissy comes from Sisters and of course indicates that it is a woman who should lean on it and since many bikes are only registered for one person, the undersigned may well buy this argument cause we as in women are a little more comfortable and practical of us…
Every year ends up in good after bike season-memorys. Some R for sure more etched in your mind than others. Burning Hearts Festival is...
Nu drar det iväg och den 1 april 2020 klockan 10.00 öppnar anmälan till årets Trotteln i Taket. Med oss från ifjol har vi mest...
Tiderna har förändrats och vi med den. Efter övergången till blandmedia det vill säga läsning via dator, telefon eller surfplatta i kombination med ett...